​​Using Structured Hiring to Make the Process Smoother at Every Stage

BY Matthew Koehler | March 11, 2024

Hiring isn’t an exact science, but it should be. “If you can quickly, predictably bring on the best talent you can solve most business problems. That's basically the best weapon you can have in business," said President and Co-founder of Greenhouse, Jon Stross, in a recent From Day One webinar.

Stross would know. He was once tasked with hiring local editors for Baby Center (a site that reaches over 32 million users per month) in 20 different countries. To do so efficiently and successfully, he and his team perfected a process by which they could “find people, interview them, test their skills and local language, then hire, onboard, and manage them.”

“Hiring is so critical to the success of the business. And yet, [companies] are showing up so poorly in the hiring process. And we said if we could solve that, if we could help companies become great at hiring.”

The interview process in most instances can be messy. Interviewers go in with a résumé and general idea of what they are subjectively looking for but no consistent outline of the ideal employee that fits a certain role. Stross says this often leads to duplicative and biased interview questions and bad candidate experiences.

For structured hiring, Stross says, “the idea that you come up with a shared understanding of what it would take to succeed in this role? What are the characteristics of somebody who will succeed in this role?”

“So you say, okay, we’re going to test these three skills and this one interview, we’re going to test these three behaviors. And so you’re able to come up with a consistent process that every candidate goes through,” Stross said. The idea is to create a consistent, transparent process that the interviewer can repeat with each candidate, and one that the candidate also understands.

To achieve a more ideal hiring experience within the structured hiring model, Greenhouse, Stross's platform, achieves synchronicity between the hiring manager and recruiter by getting them to think about the role they’re filling – job requirements, metrics by which to measure them, people in the company who are already succeeding in the role, and more. Next they develop a "scorecard" to test the candidates capabilities, then structure the stages they'll put the candidates through to test various skills and attributes.

Jon Stross of Greenhouse was interviewed by journalist Kelly Bourdet on the topic of structured hiring 

Session moderator Kelly Bourdet, founder of Apparata Media and the former managing editor of CNN Business, pointed out the established culture of hiring and interviewing and how there is some difficulty in navigating that mindset.

“You might have some leader who’s been hiring for 20 years, or somebody who says, 'I have X-ray vision, I can just tell if somebody's good,'” Stross said. To overcome this, they point out the often inordinate amount of time companies spend on recruiting and ask them to spend a little more. “If you’re going to ask for all of your interviewer’s time, asking them to step away from what they’re normally doing, the least you can do is help prepare them.”

He says there’s always resistance to new ideas amongst management but other managers in other departments might be open to it. “Start with the people who go, 'Yeah, this totally makes sense to me,' and you work with them.” Once management sees the benefit, others tend to fall in line.

The other thing that usually helps is when seasoned interviewers see that structured hiring actually makes their job easier. “It’s going to give me exactly what questions to ask? I don’t have to think at all” I can just spend my time focusing on the candidate and not thinking of the next questions?" Stross said.

Though it sounds like a broken record to point out that the professional world is changing, and AI is driving a lot of that change, it remains true. The roles we’re looking for today may last only five years, so the skills and attributes a company is looking for are more along the lines of adaptability – someone who can “roll with the punches.”

Structured hiring can play an important role in shaping the hiring process away from what Stross calls "diffuse, amorphous interviews where people just ask questions about personal tastes." He points to use cases with ChatGPT and other AI, where there are obvious cases, non obvious (but profound) cases, and some "dicey" ones. Given that ChatGPT is adept at writing content, it can be used to write job descriptions, interview questions, and scorecard attributes.

On the bias concern, Stross alludes to the legislation happening in New York and Europe, “You need to be transparent about how you’re making decisions. And the answer is I don’t know, the machine told us. That’s not gonna go over. It's not a great answer, right.”

Stross says that for the most part, when bias slips in it’s not intentional. When making decisions without any sort of criteria, “it’s much easier for the bias to slip in.”

Stross highlights the fact that Greenhouse started with a few hundred employees and now has 10,000, and went from one office to being all over the world. And everywhere you go, he says people invent their own process for everything.

Hiring and managing an office are no different. “What we find is that without structured hiring, things can get messy quickly. And when you get international, each country invents their own thing. Now, obviously, you’re always going to have something unique about each country.” He says that even within Greenhouse their local offices are going to have cultures that are unique to where they are, but there are core values found in every office.

“There is a lot of bedrock that we want to be the same across each place. And so one of the secrets of structured interviewing is that it’s a way to tell your internal employees what you’re all about. What are the values that we care about? You can inculcate the company values in the hiring process.”

Editor's note: From Day One thanks our partner, Greenhouse, for sponsoring this webinar.

Matthew Koehler is a freelance journalist and licensed real estate agent based in Washington, DC. His work has appeared in Greater Greater Washington, The Washington Post, The Southwester, and Walking Cinema, among others.


How Beacon Health System Launched a Dedicated Substance-Use Management Program for Their Employees

In a typical 10,000-person organization, around 4,000 employees are affected by substance use disorder, yet only 120 receive treatment. This gap is why Yusuf Sherwani founded Pelago, the world’s first technology-enabled digital clinic for substance use management.At a recent From Day One Webinar, Sherwani discussed his new approach to substance abuse treatment that’s been gaining traction among organizations. Eric Long from Beacon Health System, which offers Pelago to its employees, shared how they’ve implemented the program at their organization.Pelago is a single provider offering complete treatment for substance use disorders for adults and teens, from prevention through treatment. Each member receives care from a multidisciplinary team via telehealth, providing counseling, prescriptions, and tools for recovery. “We cover over four and a half million lives across hundreds of large employers,” Sherwani said. “We’re still at the tip of the impact we hope to have.” With 40 million Americans affected by untreated substance use disorder, Pelago aims to break down barriers, starting with stigma and hopefully ending with a patient who is healthier and has an improved quality of life because of treatment.Beating the Stigma of Substance AbuseYusuf Sherwani is the CEO and Co-Founder of Pelago (company photo)Back in medical school, Sherwani witnessed the devastating impact of substance abuse both personally and professionally. “It was completely out of the blue,” he said. At the same time, during an internship at a psychiatric ward, he saw how reactive and limited frontline support was. “We often reach out to people only when the going gets incredibly tough.”Stigma surrounding substance abuse often causes people to stay quiet, especially in the medical industry. As an ambulatory pharmacist at Beacon Health, Long’s patient population includes healthcare providers, a group particularly affected by this stigma. “People say, ‘You know better,’” Long said. “It makes it very difficult to treat properly.”The high stress of healthcare jobs and easier access to substances can lead to disaster. Healthcare workers are 10-15% more likely to misuse substances, Long says, with 14-20% of registered nurses and 10% of physicians affected by substance abuse at some point in their careers. “It’s very difficult to come forward and say that you have a substance use disorder when you’re in healthcare,” Long said. Pelago’s anonymous services make it easier for employees to seek help early, which supports better outcomes.“When I refer Pelago to a patient, I don’t know if they follow through. I just know they have the resource,” Long said. He often gives them a card with a QR code for Pelago as a possible solution for themselves or a loved one. Pelago also sends emails, and word-of-mouth from those in the program has been very effective. Because Pelago is digital, patients can tailor treatment to fit their schedules, a game-changer for healthcare workers who can’t always see a provider during regular hours.Multiple addictions are common among those with substance use disorders, says Long. For example, 70% of workers with alcohol use disorder also struggle with tobacco addiction, and 35% of workers with opioid use disorder are also addicted to alcohol.“Tobacco cessation is the least stigmatized addiction,” Long said, “and often the easiest way to start a conversation.” By addressing tobacco use, healthcare providers can often uncover other addictions and help patients seek broader treatment.Healthcare Costs and SavingsSubstance abuse disorder can lead to increased ER visits, liver issues, safety hazards, and cancer. Early treatment is key to preventing the long-term complications of substance use disorder, and quick intervention means healthier employees and cost savings for the organization.When it’s all said and done, Pelago pays for itself by helping patients get treatment for substance abuse, resulting in better overall health and wellness, says Sherwani. Beyond the numbers, patients have shared testimonials about Pelago’s impact. Helping employees with substance use disorders also improves their overall health. Many people with substance use disorders also have other chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or osteoarthritis. Once substance abuse enters the picture, these chronic conditions often go unchecked, leading to worsening health outcomes over time.“There’s enormous overlap between mental health, particularly serious mental illness, and substance use disorders,” Sherwani said. Untreated substance use disorders double the number of workdays missed compared to those in treatment. Getting someone into treatment can reverse many negative consequences.Sherwani says that around 95% of Pelago members are seeing a provider for their substance use disorder for the first time. This speaks to the stigma and access problem–people who aren’t seeking care on their own are responding effectively when treatment is made available to them. “They weren’t going to rehab, they weren’t going to help patient care, this wasn’t something that their primary care physician was really treating,” Sherwani said. Once they could get access to treatment through Pelago, they responded well.Pelago also coordinates with Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and mental health programs already in place, addressing the comorbidities often present with substance use disorders. This collaboration revolutionizes access to treatment for the 97% of people with substance use disorders who are not seeking care on their own.As a physician-led organization, Pelago has invested in peer-reviewed studies showing that the outcomes of their digital clinic are at least as good as face-to-face support and more than two and a half times better than traditional addiction treatment. For example, Pelago has achieved a 52% success rate at four weeks for tobacco cessation, with a 44% success rate at 12 months. For opioid use disorder, Pelago has seen a 67% success rate for complete abstinence within 90 days.That’s hopefully just the beginning, Sherwani says. With more organizations working with Pelago, the future looks hopeful—not just for those struggling with substance use disorder, but for the companies that support them. By continuing to break down barriers, tackle stigma, and provide accessible, effective care, Pelago is poised to make a lasting difference in the lives of millions.Editor's note: From Day One thanks our partner, Pelago, for sponsoring this webinar.Carrie Snider is a Phoenix-based journalist and marketing copywriter.

Carrie Snider | September 11, 2024

Power Practices to Understand Employee Needs Actively and Equitably

Investing in the employee experience is a sustainable business strategy to boost retention, engagement, and productivity. Authentic feedback from employees is essential to address their needs and ambitions. “People don't just want to be heard, they want impact,” said Shawn Overcast, the chief insights officer at Explorance during a thought leadership spotlight at From Day One’s August virtual conference. “And through transparent action planning and follow through, employees learn that they can speak their minds freely without repercussions,” she said.Evolving technologies and AI are tools that can help amplify the employee voice. They provide engaging methods of gathering personal and organizational feedback from workers without bias or breaching data privacy. The shift from workers just taking surveys to having opportunities to discuss their experiences in survey comments, feedback channels, and social websites generates valuable insight into organizational transformation.Overcast spoke about People Insight solutions, showing how Explorance’s AI voice of employee solution, called MLY, helps their clients compile and organize diverse and unstructured employee feedback.With the summarization and alerting of frequent and in-depth feedback and perspectives, MLY is a tool for managers and employers to reassess their HR strategies, identify the role of leadership, pinpoint retention risks, and create action plans.Shawn Overcast of Explorance led the thought leadership spotlight (company photo)Explorance helps organizations measure employee needs and expectations through scalable automation tools and a continuous feedback-gathering process, revving the insight-to-action cycle. By supporting the employee journey, organizations improve recruitment, engagement, and overall performance.To actively understand employee needs and drive action, Overcast suggests defining a clear strategy and purpose for employee listening, initiating a focused and structured action-planning process, and empowering employees. Actively understanding employee needs involves deliberate engagement and effort to take action.With more opportunities to provide qualitative feedback through discussion forums, survey comments, and social websites, employees can become empowered knowing that their feedback drives organizational change.To fairly understand employees, ensure objectivity using clear and predetermined criteria to make decisions, leverage several listening tools and channels, leverage AI solutions to remove bias, and become more aware of cognitive bias in your listening strategy.“Cognitive biases can lead to unintentional decision-making, and biases can be really tricky,” Overcast said. “They often sit beneath the surface. They’re beyond our conscious thought, and this can impact our ability to analyze data fairly and to take fair and equitable action.”For example, a people analyst in the retail hospitality industry used MLY to go through 10,000 comments sorted into different departments by sending automated relevant insights to managers. Included in the comments were employees’ recommendations to solve specific issues. The people analyst forwarded these to managers.“So often we task the analyst with identifying best practices for responding to the feedback, but the people who know best how to improve employee engagement in your organization are your employees since they’re the ones experiencing it,” Overcast said.Engagement and exit surveys are beneficial for benchmarking, tracking trends over time, and identifying areas of opportunity, Overcast says. However, multiple qualitative insight channels highlight distinct perspectives: respondents express themselves more frequently and constructively across multi-channel listening tools and platforms.The incorporation of AI is a quick solution to the often time-consuming process of HR personnel reading through thousands of comments on any online channel. AI quickly organizes and contextualizes unstructured online feedback into sources of specific and relevant employee experience data without bias. The feedback can guide action to close skill gaps, support upward mobility, and develop managers and people leaders.Using technology and an empathetic approach to surveying employee well-being, Explorance utilizes the employee voice to help clients create solutions that authentically address concerns, says Overcast. The opportunity to influence change is the underlying role of the employee voice: “It’s about the belief that if I have something to share, it will be listened to and it will result in change.”Editor's note: From Day One thanks our partner, Explorance, for sponsoring this thought leadership spotlight. Stephanie Reed is a freelance news, marketing, and content writer. Much of her work features small business owners throughout diverse industries. She is passionate about promoting small, ethical, and eco-conscious businesses.

Stephanie Reed | September 10, 2024

Crafting an Inclusive Financial Wellness Program to Engage and Empower Employees

Financial wellness programs have become essential for attracting and retaining top talent while fostering an inclusive and engaged workforce. More than 80% of employees want professional help with their finances, says Amy Chou, chief product officer at Addition Wealth, a holistic financial-wellness platform.During a From Day One webinar Chou spoke about leveraging financial wellness programs as an integral component of an inclusive benefits strategy, empowering employees to make smart, informed financial decisions. She shared tips for designing a financial wellness program that effectively addresses the diverse needs and expectations of employees by combining digital tools with human expertise.Why Financial Wellness“Finances are really top of mind for all employees given all the changes in today’s economy,” Chou said. “The stats are really jarring.” According to the company’s research, Chou shares that 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, with credit card debt at an all-time high of $1.13 trillion. “We have the most educated workforce these days,” Chou said, but with that education comes $1.75 trillion in student debt. 27% of U.S. adults have no emergency savings; 64% of adults say that inflation is what is making it hard for them to save for unexpected expenses. And investing and saving options are becoming increasingly complicated, alienating those who might actually be in a position to start saving.These numbers are causing anxiety, with 90% of Americans reporting stress from their finances, and 34% saying it impacts their mental health. Traditional financial solutions are no longer sufficient and leave a gap in knowledge and service for employees.  Financial advisors can be expensive and free tools are often too generic and unable to offer the comprehensive view needed today.Trends Impacting the Financial Benefits ExperienceThe past few years have changed the HR landscape, Chou says. Pay transparency is becoming increasingly important. Market trends have impacted hiring, even though unemployment remains low, headcount reductions have hit certain industries.The economy has changed how employees feel about their finances. Rising healthcare, living, and other costs have impacted employee financial security and demands from their benefits. And in turn, rising costs have impacted the cost of the insurance and benefits themselves, which in turn impact the employer’s bottom line. “This is where we believe financial wellness offerings come in,” Chou said.Evaluating Financial Wellness OfferingsAmy Chou of Addition Wealth led the webinar (company photo)Holistic well-being is increasingly important during turbulent financial times. There are many point solutions and benefits that employees are struggling with how to utilize best, such as inclusion emergency savings accounts, earned wage access, student loan reimbursements, tax benefits, life insurance, and more. “We think that the modern financial wellness program that can benefit an employer and employee alike is really one that stretches across all of these different areas,” Chou said. Wellness programs should be answering key questions like, ‘How do I stretch my income further? And which of these point solutions is best aligned with my personal goals?’The best programs will offer “a solution to help people decide what they should be opting into, how much they should be opting into, or the order by which they need to be doing things,” said Chou. These offerings will benefit employers, also, leading to increased productivity, retention, and more.An Inclusive Employee ExperienceA financial wellness program, Chou says, should be flexible enough to serve employees of all levels, ages, and backgrounds. The best ones on the market should offer the following six components:Holistic offerings that help with all decisions, such as retirement planning and debt management. A high-tech and high-touch model that is user friendly to both employees and employers and integrates easily with your HR systems. Fiduciaries who aren’t pushing specific products in order to make money off of commissions, product sales, kickbacks, referrals and the like may distort their incentives. “Make sure that the financial wellness player is acting in a fiduciary capacity,” Chou said, and only acting in the interests of the employee. One-on-one access to financial experts, such as certified financial planners, certified public accountants, investment advisors, financial fitness coaches and more. “Regardless of age, regardless of demographic, location, etc, if a problem gets too complicated and a person is getting too stressed, oftentimes it can be easier to talk to a person about it and to have that person guide you through and coach you through the situation,” Chou said. “A lot of these decisions are very emotional,” and can’t rely on technology alone. A personal touch may be required. Personalized to your specific company needs, ensuring your employees get individualized and relevant information on your benefits packages, compensation models, and more. “This will drive engagement and better outcomes for employees,” Chou said. Customized to the individual needs of your employees, allowing employees to choose how they want to engage (whether that’s self-service tools, one-on-one meetings, or live large-scale events) and match demographic and educational needs, including paying off student debt and planning for retirement for beginners vs. seasoned investments.The Impact of Financial Wellness Benefits“Once you get an offering that really understands a company, understands a base and understands the employee, you really can make a difference,” Chou said. Many employees appreciate the flexibility of technology-based platforms and the ability to access basic financial education that is unfortunately not really taught in schools, she shares.“You can really make a difference in your employee’s life, but also the families, the dependents, the spouses of these individuals, because oftentimes this employee that gets access to financial education can bring that into their communities and can bring that into their home to really widen the impact of these benefits,” Chou said. “And once people can plan better and manage their finances better, they really get that peace of mind.”Editor’s note: From Day One thanks our partner, Addition Wealth, for sponsoring this webinar. Katie Chambers is a freelance writer and award-winning communications executive with a lifelong commitment to supporting artists and advocating for inclusion. Her work has been seen in HuffPost and several printed essay collections, among others, and she has appeared on Cheddar News, iWomanTV, On New Jersey, and CBS New York.

Katie Chambers | August 29, 2024