The Growing Need for Family-Care Support and Its Impact on Employees

BY Carrie Snider | September 13, 2023

Angelina Shamborska had no clue where to start. Her mother, living in Ukraine, had just been diagnosed with challenging health issues and needed her help. “Imagine dealing with that amount of stress and the unknown,” Shamborska said.

Ironically, Shamborska is the senior director of global benefits at San Francisco-based IT company Okta, but providing family-care support to its employees was new to them. And she was about to experience the benefits firsthand.

In a fireside chat at From Day One’s webinar, “The Economic Impact of Family-Care Support: A Case Study,” Shamborska discussed what it’s been like working with Grayce, a company providing family-care support for Okta and many other companies. Julia Cohen Sebastien, CEO and co-founder of Grayce, joined the discussion, speaking to the value of family-care support and its impact on employees.

Trending: Caregiving Benefits

When trying to attract and retain top talent, competitive salary and benefits including medical and retirement options are crucial. But there is a growing segment of benefit options that employees are asking for: caregiving benefits.

With the sandwich generation balancing both childcare and aging parent care, caregiving can feel like a full time job, often leaving people with no choice but to leave their job. Employees need support, and employers need innovative solutions.

Part of Shamborska’s role at Okta is to analyze health care and employee well-being trends, and she quickly picked up on the trending topic of caregiving. “The landscape, especially in the U.S., is highly evolving,” she said. “By 2030, about one in five people in the US will be older than 65.”

That’s significant in terms of impact on healthcare, and companies need to consider those aging needs when updating medical plans. But companies should also think about this: their employees will likely be caring for aging loved ones. The truth is, it’s already trending.

“Caregiving support was a top-three ask from my employees,” Shamborska explained, sourcing surveys, focus groups, and employee resource groups. Third only to 401k matching and employee recognition. From her own research and employee feedback, it was obvious that Okta needed to offer family-care support to its 6,000 global employees. But how and what exactly?

That’s where Grayce came in. Founded right before Covid hit, its expert consultants are dedicated to helping people navigate their unique caregiving situations. Consultants have master’s level training in social work or similar fields, and they’ve worked a number of years with relevant populations, many of them around the globe. Grayce offers a combination of services in terms of care planning, concierge support, technology solutions, community connection, tools, and trackers.

“Among all of Grayce’s new clients, about a third of the care scenarios we’re supporting are people caring for other types of adults or loved ones,” Cohen Sebastien said. Some of the highest claimants are cancer, kidney disease, cardiovascular, complex mental health, and more. Each one of those requires caregiving, but people aren’t sure of their options.

Journalist Kelly Bourdet, bottom right, moderated the discussion among Cohen Sebastien and Shamborska (photo by From Day One)

Shamborska found herself in that situation when her mom was diagnosed. “The consultant at Grayce has been just an absolute lifesaver. It was a complicated, international case,” she explained. “I felt absolutely confident with the information that was provided. They were able to find a place for my mother and hospice care. It was a very hard journey, so having that support was immeasurable.”

Impact on Employees

Caregiving can be a lonely venture, and it can cause a lot of stress. As Cohen Sebastien explained, caregivers have an 8-10% higher medical cost than non-caregivers, and many caregivers end up in poor health as a result of burnout.

What do you do if you think your mother might have dementia? Or your sibling needs surgery and requires your help during recovery, but you don’t know how long that will last or what you’ll need to do for them? This has a direct impact on the caregiver’s emotions and their work life. The idea behind offering family-support benefits is to provide the best possible information and resources so that not only the loved one is cared for, but also the employee.

Even though Shamborska went through a tough situation with her mom, because of Grayce the transition was much smoother. Besides some travel time, she didn’t have to devote much time figuring out the next steps and all the intricacies of caregiving overseas. That gave her peace of mind in a time of hardship.

“A huge aspect of Grayce’s value is support for the caregiver themselves,” Shamborska added. “I was eternally grateful for Grayce and their team supporting me. But I’m hearing the same story from the people that we support. And I’m very proud that at Okta, we send a very strong signal that we support our employees as they care for their loved ones. Again, we want to make sure that they’re productive, they’re present, that they’re effective. But we do also care, we want to ensure that they feel good, and we have the tools and resources we are able to offer to them.”

This personal touch has had an impact. Grayce did a study with all of the eligibility data that was available for 10,000+ employees they cover. What they saw was that of those that had access to and used the Grayce program, they had 38% lower attrition than all of those who had access to Grayce who did not use the solution. That’s good news for employers who want to keep top talent, but it’s also good news for employees—who, with family-support benefits, feel supported, less stressed, and stay in their careers.

“We’ve seen 98% reporting gains in productivity, typically of a week or more,” Cohen Sebastien said. “And we’ve also seen that about half 49% have said that it’s reduced their need to take leave.” Now that’s a much better trend.

Editor’s note: From Day One thanks our partner, Grayce, for sponsoring this webinar. 

Carrie Snider is a Phoenix, Ariz.-based journalist and marketing copywriter. 


Caring Smarter: Why Cost-Effective Caregiver Support Is Good for Business in 2025

“When employers and I are talking about how to define ROI, the question actually starts with you,” said Jess Brown, VP of marketing at Cariloop.“Are you trying to decrease leave claims? Are you trying to decrease retention of working parents in the workforce after they return from leave? Are you trying to be ranked as a number one employer in your segment?” she asked during a thought leadership spotlight at From Day One’s January virtual conference.The inquiry into ROI arises out of employees’ need for effective care benefits as the costs of American employer-sponsored healthcare are expected to increase by 9%. This will cost over $16,000 per employee by 2025.However, Brown urged organizations to consider what is more detrimental to their long-term financial stability and productivity. For example, caregiving employees often take leave to care for their families, but many eventually need time off for their own health. Some are even forced to leave their jobs entirely. This leads to higher costs for organizations, which must recruit, interview, and train new talent—while also facing productivity losses when key employees are absent.Brown emphasized that providing effective caregiver support isn’t just a benefit for employees, it’s a practical, sustainable strategy that helps companies retain talent and manage costs.Effective Caregiver Support Solutions  Effective caregiver support includes predictable and flexible solutions outside of the reimbursement model, which has substantial costs. Brown advised organizations to assess potential benefit providers for reliable models that protect rather than drain their budget. “And when it comes to predictability and flexibility, some bold questions I would ask are, ‘how can you guarantee that we will not face unexpected overages from misuse and fraud?’” Jess Brown, VP of marketing at Cariloop, led the session (company photo)She also encouraged employers to inquire about customizing the parameters around programs based on company goals. “Some employers say, ‘Jess, I want this to be used only during work hours, only for child care, only when regular care isn't available.’ And some employers say, ‘Jess, I just want them to use it because the reason we're implementing this program is just to satisfy a desire and a need for general caregiving support.’” Effective caregiving programs should address employees' rising costs and navigation challenges while ensuring HIPAA compliance. A proactive, sustainable approach involves investing in innovative solutions, including licensed coaches who provide comprehensive caregiving support.Lastly, Brown emphasized that caregiving support has to be integrated into the employee experience. She advised employers to ask providers, “[H]ow they track and record for preventing leave claims for working caregivers and how they measure that on an ongoing basis, and then how they can embed their support overall into the caregiving journey.” How can companies confirm ROI? After identifying their unique goal, what caregiving solution achieves that goal, and gathering the data that aligns with it, they can choose providers who integrate that data into their offers and programs. “So when people come to me and say, ‘Jess, how do you prove the ROI of your caregiving benefit?’ I need to say, ‘First, I need to understand why you want a caregiving benefit.’” Ongoing Care Support Trends Cariloop provides inclusive caregiving benefits, combining expert guidance from Care Coaches, digital tools, and a supportive care provider network to assist caregiving employees.Gathering data from their clients, Cariloop has identified the most significant concerns workers experience in their search for adequate caregiver support benefits.In 2024, one trend observed was that 71% more clients requested consultations with Cariloop to explore health insurance options amidst increasing premiums. Next, 73% of their services were requested to find daily, affordable child care for working parents.  Lastly, many clients requested information on Medicare and Medicaid to help those they cared for gain access to services after pandemic assistance policies ended. “And now we enter 2025. And quite frankly, it's time for change,” Brown spoke about the need to shift trends and invest in more effective solutions in the new year. “The child care, the caregiving problem as a whole is a detriment to the business, a detriment to our employees’ lives. And we need something that is more predictable and affordable and scalable and flexible for our workforce. And that’s what’s happening right now.”Editor's note: From Day One thanks our partner, Cariloop, for sponsoring this thought leadership spotlight. Stephanie Reed is a freelance news, marketing, and content writer. Much of her work features small business owners throughout diverse industries. She is passionate about promoting small, ethical, and eco-conscious businesses.

Stephanie Reed | February 10, 2025

Enhancing Productivity and Creating Relationship Breakthroughs Through Your Total Rewards

It’s no secret that employees are key to an organization’s productivity and profitability. Research shows a clear link between engaged, authentic, healthy employees and positive business results. But what can employers do to enhance the employee experience and become a high-performance organization?Ingrid Woolfolk, employee experience lead with WTW, shared insights and next steps in a thought leadership spotlight session about “Creat[ing] Relationship Breakthroughs Through Your Total Rewards” at From Day One’s Chicago benefits conference.WTW helps clients build resilience, inspire their workforces, and optimize performance with data-driven solutions in people, risk, and capital. With over 50 years of insights across industries, they’ve analyzed how employee experience, rewards programs, and company performance are connected.What Makes a Winning Company?To understand what high-performance organizations are doing differently, WTW analyzed results from 16 million surveys completed between 2002 and 2023, including 6 million individual employees from 600 companies in what they call the “post-disruption era” (2019–2023). They compared the employee experience and tracked 9 separate financial metrics across 30 global high-performing companies and 500 average companies.Ingrid L. Woolfolk, the employee experience leader at WTW, led the session Data showed that total rewards are important to employees, even if they don’t use that language. Because of this, it is crucial for companies to understand what employees need and innovate their offerings to fulfill those needs. The three areas that emerged as most important to employees were recognition, growth, and well-being. These three areas also happen to be existing differentiators for global high-performance (GHP) organizations.“Recognition goes beyond traditional monetary rewards,” said Woolfolk. Leading companies prioritize pay equity, transparency, and customized compensation options. They foster loyalty and internal growth by setting clear goals, offering development opportunities, and providing advancement pathways. Comprehensive well-being programs—addressing physical, emotional, social, and financial needs—demonstrate that employees are valued beyond their productivity while removing barriers to engagement.Five Predictions for 2025Based on this research, and requests from existing clients, WTW predicts that companies will pursue the following five focus areas in 2025 to drive performance and elevate their employees’ total rewards experience.Artificial intelligence: Companies are already showing interest in using AI to improve business outcomes and improve the employee experience through enhanced communication, navigation, analytics, and operational efficiency.Spending money where it counts by analyzing employee wants and needs alongside cost and utilization rates to better understand the overall ROI of specific benefits. Subsequent communication campaigns will ensure clear articulation of the total rewards value.Bolstering employee pocketbooks: Woolfolk and team anticipate that companies will seek to improve the affordability of pay and benefits programs, advance employees’ financial acumen and resilience, and enhance retirement offerings. Elevating transparency beyond compliance: Data shows that DEI programs may evolve into broader, more sustainable human capital strategies that promote equity, inclusivity, and pay transparency. These strategies are expected to exceed current compliance standards through new governance models and stakeholder reporting.Double-down on careers by developing career frameworks that align with business goals and support productivity targets while growing and rewarding critical employee skills.Where Can You Start?Woolfolk suggests collaborating with HR and finance partners to assess your current plans. Including the finance team up front can reduce decision-making delays and improve planning. Ensure you have a solid listening strategy so you can collect, analyze, and act upon employee feedback. “Make sure you don’t ask questions that you’re not willing to address,” she said, “because nothing hurts employee morale worse than asking questions and they never hear anything back.”Work with vendors to optimize the design of benefit plans, she says. Take the lead of high-performance organizations by being sensitive to the diverse, evolving needs of your employee populations, including more people in the planning as your organization’s story emerges, and being transparent about what’s next.“Taking action now is really important.” Woolfolk said. Identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and goals is crucial to engaging with the correct partners and building out the rest of your total rewards plan. Any listening strategy or employee survey is not a single event that leads you to high performance. It is a multi-faceted, ongoing exercise, and needs to be blended with a great communication strategy and change management principles.“Combining that change management with that communication strategy is paramount. In order to create the relationship breakthrough, you need that dialogue. You need listening,” said Woolfolk. You need communication that ultimately creates that high-performing employee experience that we all want, to help drive productivity.”Editor's note: From Day One thanks our partner, WTW, for sponsoring this thought leadership spotlight. Jessica Swenson is a freelance writer based in the Midwest. Learn more about her at

Jessica Swenson | February 06, 2025

People-First, Performance-Focused: Linking HR Efforts to Bottom-Line Success

Despite HR’s new and powerful place in business, many leaders concerned with the bottom line struggle to understand the return on investment for HR’s activities, and many in HR struggle to communicate their value. But bridging human resources to the business isn’t an impossible task; in fact, it’s getting easier thanks to sophisticated HR tech and new access the department has to business leaders and their goals.Ken Matos, the director of marketing insights, and Keren Kozar, senior people and culture officer at HR tech platform HiBob says that the best way to make the connection is with what they call people-first HR.“People coming into the workforce are expecting a leader who genuinely cares about them and genuinely wants to see them be successful in the workplace,” said Kozar in a From Day One webinar on linking HR strategy to the bottom line. “[People-first HR] means that you’re considering your people. They’re not just a number.”“Every single department wants to contribute to a thriving company,” she said, but that may mean different things to different people. “For some, that 100% means the bottom line. For some people, that’s going to mean having an industry-disrupting product, but at the end of the day, happy, engaged employees who feel like they are contributing to an organization that cares about them are going to be the most successful, and that’s how a company is going to thrive.”The Latest and Greatest Business Expense: Artificial IntelligenceCompanies are cutting big checks for artificial intelligence–powered tools and all their promises, and entire organizations are receiving directives from the top: Start using artificial intelligence. But there’s little direction about how to use it, and the tech is still new to many users. Even without detail, departments will be asked to report how it’s improving their work.Ken Matos, Ph.D., the director of market insights at HiBob spoke during the webinar (company photo)Treat AI like a hypothesis to be tested, said Matos. “The first thing is to understand your theory of change for AI.” Identify the problems you believe an AI tool will solve, and “once you have that, you can move on to measurement.” Measure whether people are using it, then track how they’re using it and what they’re producing. “If you know what that chain is supposed to look like, you can pick key places where there are doubts or possibility for failure and focus on measuring those bits. And if the end result is what you’re looking for, then odds are that the whole thing worked.”Linking HR to the Bottom LineIf you want to get business leaders to listen, find out what motivates them. If they want to increase revenue, then it’s your job to identify how people affect revenue with not just what they do, but how they do it.“You can articulate to a leader that you want to get sales revenue up, and here are a bunch of enablers, or obstacles,” Matos said. “My job is to make sure those enablers are maximized. Here’s how and how these obstacles are removed.” With that, those business leaders will start seeing you as an ally, not an admin.And if you’re going to vouch for the efficacy of HR and its work, then you have to speak the language of the business. Kozar once worked for a company where the leader was “100% a numbers guy” who cared only about the balance sheet. “He used to say, ‘HR, you’re so touchy feely.’ And my response would be, ‘people are a measurable metric. They matter. That is a data point. People’s feelings are actually a data point. You need to consider it, just like you would consider absolutely any other analytic that factors into your business decision.’”This can’t end with employee sentiment surveys, though. “We often talk about how to align with leaders and how to communicate with them, but it’s just as important to make sure that HR leaders are speaking to every level of the business,” she said. “So talk to individual contributors, your entry-level folks. The best feedback that I get is from the individual contributors and entry-level people that I’m just sitting with at lunch. That’s how I’m going to synthesize anecdotal feedback and deliver that back to leaders in a way that they’re not going to get through an engagement survey.”Those who chafe against the notion of people-first HR do so because they “don’t realize how feelings change the effectiveness of their business,” said Matos. Think of it this way: How many times have you avoided emails or a project because there’s a person on your team who slows down the work, or is simply a pain to work with?Matos often speaks to business leaders who wonder why it’s their responsibility to motivate the workforce. Maybe you can’t motivate them, he said, but you can certainly demotivate them. “You can strip away their natural desire to do their job, from micromanaging to disrespect to not being communicative. All of these are things under your control.”Editor’s note: From Day One thanks our partner, HiBob, for sponsoring this webinar.Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza is an independent journalist and From Day One contributing editor who writes about business and the world of work. Her work has appeared in the Economist, the BBC, The Washington Post, Inc., and Business Insider, among others. She is the recipient of a Virginia Press Association award for business and financial journalism. 

Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza | January 31, 2025